Kindergarten Embrace
Ajda Murnik, Eva Petruna | 2019
The inclusion and embrace of nature is one of the main ideas in the design of a kindergarten. With volumes we embrace the already existing stronger trees on the site. In the kindergarten and its surroundings, nature, in addition to space and educators, presents itself in the role of a third teacher. It teaches children the course of their life cycle and responsibilities. The premises of the kindergarten, designed in a circle, are of the open type, which allows children to move freely between groups.
The building consists of three different volumes, which follow each other in size according to the age groups in it. The passage of children and educators is possible, due to the uninterrupted connection of the rooms, the main path runs along the atrium, the rest are possible between the rooms.
The center of each circle is the atrium, which is surrounded by nature from the surrounding area. When he crosses the border between the surroundings and the atrium of the kindergarten, a change in the arrangement is obviously noticed. In smaller two circles, sand dunes that are not typical of this environment wrap around the trees, thus emphasizing the distinction between indigenous and man-made nature.
Playrooms are separated by greenhouses with animals, the purpose of which is the best possible connection between the child and nature, the establishment of interest and care for plants and the creation of better well-being for both employees and children. There are greenhouses with birds, aquariums, tropical plants and small animals.
The construction creates two types of spaces, greenhouses belong to the smaller and lower space, intended for a program that takes place only a small part of the day. The main, larger and higher rooms have the role of a playroom, where children spend most of their time. Both types of rooms allow you to open views of the outdoor surroundings of the kindergarten and atrium.
Today's way of teaching kindergarten children is inconsistent with their age, as they have too little time for play, which is crucial in developing a child's creativity. Because of this, kindergartens should be designed so that the child learns from practice during play, from the program of the environment and not while listening to theory.